To add multiple team members to an existing team at the same time take the following steps.
Step 1: Select the team you wish to add team members to
From the MBTIonline teams page select the View team link on the card of the team you want to add additional team members to.
Step 2: Access edit team mode
Once on the view team page select the edit team button.
Step 3: Add team member modal
From the edit team page select the Add team member button. Once selected a modal will appear, from that modal select the + Bulk import from file button.
Step 4: Bulk import team members modal
From this modal you will see instructions on how to set up your file as well as what a sample CSV file should look like. Once your file is prepared you can upload it from your computer by clicking the Select CSV file. You will then be prompted to upload the file from your computer.
Once uploaded you will see a checkmark with the file name in the container, signifying that the file has been uploaded correctly. To add the members from the file select the Add members button.
Step 5: Confirm Changes
You will now see the newly added team members on the edit team page in the team member table. To save these newly added team members to the team select Apply changes. Once selected, a modal will appear asking you to confirm the changes. To confirm select Yes, apply changes.
Step 6: View your updated team on the View all team's page
Once you select Apply changes, the team members you added will now receive invitations to join via email. You will be taken back to the main MBTIonline Teams page where you can view all your teams, including the one that had new members added. The inventory count will reflect the adding of members and the team card will show an updated member count.
To add multiple team members when creating a new team, take the following steps.
Step 1: Getting into the create a team flow
To create a team select the Create new team button on the MBTIonline Teams home page.
Step 2: Create Team Name
You must have a name for your newly created team. Input the team name in the Create new team modal.
Step 3: Add team members in bulk
Select the Import from file button. Once selected, upload your CSV file using the Select CSV file button within the modal. Once all members are added and appear in the member table select the Next: Review team button.
Note: Make sure you upload a CSV file type.
Step 4: Review team
Review the information entered for the members on your team to make sure it’s correct. In the review team step, you can also assign a team administrator to the team. A team administrator can edit team member’s information and remind team members.
You have the option to assign a team administrator, but it is not required. You can also customize the message team members will receive when invited to the team via email. Once reviewed select the Next button.
Step 5: Confirm Invitations
A modal will appear asking you to confirm inviting the team members input. You can invite your team members to join their team by selecting Yes, invite. Once selected, your team is created, and the members will get email invitations to start their MBTIonline Teams experience. You can then access your newly created team from the View all teams page.
If you don’t have sufficient inventory, you will be prompted to purchase additional inventory for the team members of your team. To purchase inventory, select Yes, purchase inventory. You will then go through the purchase process. Once completed, you can select Go to my teams to view your newly created team on the View all teams page. From there, you will be prompted to finalize your team by a modal and will select Yes, invite to send out invitations to team members.