Step 1: Access the team you want to edit
Select View team on the card of the team you want to reassign the team administrator of on the MBTIonline Teams homepage.
Step 2: View team page
From the view team page, you will see who the current team administrator of the team is by the flag icon next to their name.
Select the Edit team button to access Edit team mode.
Step 3: Assign new team administrator
From the edit team page select the Actions menu dropdown of the team member you wish to reassign as team administrator. From the dropdown menu choose the Assign as admin option.
Step 4: Confirm reassignment
A modal will appear asking you to confirm the selected team member as the newly assigned team administrator. To confirm your selection for the newly assigned team administrator select the Yes, assign button in the modal.
Step 5: Apply changes
After confirming, you will see your newly assigned team administrator with a flag icon next to their name in the team member list table. For these changes to take affect you must select the Apply changes button in the bottom footer
Step 6: Confirm changes
Once selected a modal will appear asking you to confirm the changes you’ve made on the edit team page. Select the Yes, apply changes button to apply the changes you’ve made to your team.
Once completed, you will be taken to view all your teams while the changes process. Return to the View teams page of the team and see the newly assigned team administrator flag icon next to the name of the team member that you assigned. Learn more about the team administrator role.